Use the forms below to apply for a Scholarship and for the Live Extended Education Program.
A vital part of Esalen's mission is to help those seeking to acquire skills and knowledge to transform their lives and the world at large. Our scholarship funds are limited, so awards will be made to those who will take what they have learned back to their homes, workplaces and communities.
Scholarship inquiries may be directed to
Live Extended Education Program inquiries may be directed to
Please answer the following questions and submit your request to host a conference at Esalen Institute! One of our Program leads will be in touch soon regarding your application.
Esalen Scholarship Application
Dear Future Participant,
Thank you for your interest in attending a program at the Esalen Institute. A vital part of Esalenʼs mission is to help those seeking to acquire the skills and knowledge to transform their lives and the world at large. Esalen is committed to making this possible through need-based scholarships. Resources for scholarship come from the generous contributions of the greater Esalen community, our Board of Trustees and the Friends of Esalen Program. Due to limited funds, scholarships are partial.
Please consider the following criteria before applying:
Application Criteria:
1. Applicant must be at least 18 years old.
2. Applications and the required documents must be received at least 45 days prior to the start date of the workshop you are requesting for consideration to attend.
3. All participants are required to demonstrate financial need. Please refer to the financial section of this application for guidelines.
4. We allow one scholarship per person per year.
5. Scholarship recipients will be asked to complete an online questionnaire about their experience at Esalen and the impact it has had on you and your world.
The accommodations will be in a bunk bed shared lodging space. Please note that if you and someone else are interested in an Esalen scholarship, each applicant must submit their own individual application.
COVID-19 Guidelines:
Please see our website for our most up-to-date COVID-19 guidelines.
We wish you all the best on your journey and If you someday find yourself in a different financial position, please consider donating back to this fund to give someone else the opportunity to participate.
Esalen Live Extended Education Program Application
Dear Future Participant,
Thank you for your interest in becoming a student and participating in the Live Extended Education Program at the Esalen Institute. Participants have the opportunity to engage in a rigorous course of study with daily deep dives led by world-class faculty members and learn heartfully about the essential teachings and practices of Esalen. As a cement to your studies into body and mind, you will be required to dedicate 26 hours of service each week in one of Esalen’s prearranged departments. The campus is rugged and students should anticipate robust physical activity.
Please consider the following criteria before applying:
Application Criteria:
- Applications are due three weeks before your preferred program start date.
- Applicant must be at least 18 years old.
- All participants must be able to handle physical labor involving lifting, bending, climbing stairs, and walking across the 26-acre property.
- All participants must have the capacity to adapt to a new social and physical environment and integrate emotional work, while still meeting the demands of your weekly education and service schedule.
- Esalen provides dorm-style housing, with three students in one room. Students are grouped primarily by gender, although multi-gender housing is possible.
- We are unable to accept any couples or families.
- Esalen is located in a very rural, rugged environment on the central California coast. Both staff and students live in close contact with one another with approximately 100 guests visiting every week. Privacy is at a minimum, and the closest major town in Monterey, is approximately one hour away by car.
We wish you all the best on your journey!
Application Fee:
A $20 non-refundable application fee will be applied to your deposit if you are accepted into the program.
COVID-19 Guidelines:
Please see our website for our most up-to-date COVID-19 policies.